Sliding Security Shutters Alexandria International Egypt

For most people, thinking of Egypt the first things that come to mind are probably pyramids, the Nile river, and lots of sand. But for us it's certainly the sliding security shutters we installed at Borg El Arab Airport in Alexandria, Egypt's third largest city after Cairo and Giza.
Supply of sliding shutters
We have had the privilege of supplying our Flexiglide sliding folding shutters around the world. And when we were asked by World Duty Free (Dufry Shops) to help with their project at Borg El Arab International Airport in Egypt we jumped at the opportunity.

Different sliding shutter styles
We supplied a couple of different styles of shutter to Egypt. There was a requirement for some of the shutters to be in an open style, and the Vision Air turned out to be the most suitable for the project.
Other sliding shutters needed a more secure option and for those the Vision Glass was chosen.
From design to delivery
For this project we were involved from the beginning until the end. We started with the initial design, followed by precise drawings. Then the shutters were manufactured and next we handled their delivery to Egypt.
We supplied installation instructions so the local contractors could install our sliding shutters at the airport. They did a great job and the result looks excellent.
Egypt sliding shutter installation photos
Below are photos of the sliding shutters in place at Alexandria's international airport.

The first five photos show the shutters we supplied to the airport. The final photo is a details of a glazed sliding shutter we installed elsewhere, but shown here to illustrate the polycarbonate glass that's fitted in the Vision Glass sliding shutter (tap the photos for a larger version).
FlexiGlide sliding shutter Export
For most projects (including airports) we work in the UK. We're licensed to work airside, and we usually install our sliding shutters ourselves. However, in this case we exported the shutters to Egypt where local contractors installed them.
We can export sliding shutters to any destination worldwide.

Do you also need sliding shutters?
If you are working on a project at an airport or otherwise that needs security shutters, then sliding shutters may be a good consideration. They have various advantages on traditional roller shutters (depending on the situation), and are available in a variety of styles and work without a motor.
FlexiGlide sliding shutters can follow almost any curve and can span almost any length. We'd like to hear from you. Contact us to talk to an expert and find out how we can help you.
Photo credits
All sliding shutters photos © HVP Security Shutters Ltd. Borg El Arab Inernational Airport photo by Felekmaster. And Giza pyramids photo by Osama Elsayed.